The first question I’m often asked when I give away a toonie is ‘what am I supposed to do with it?’. The honest answer is – anything you like. It’s only two bucks, which is something most of us spend several times a day without giving it a second thought. But that’s why these three stories stand out so much. These three people received a toonie (actually, one of them just read about the toonie) and decided to take something small and turn it into something.
Check out these responses and how simple and sincere they are.
I believe we are always capable of taking the mundane or the simple things in life and using them to initiate substantial change.
Meet Jarod. Jarod has been following this blog from the US and though he’s never received a toonie he recently wrote to let me know that he wanted to get involved. How does someone in another country do that? He told me that when I give a toonie to someone who I discover could use more than just the toonie, he’s going to send me a hundred bucks to add to it. A hundred dollars from a complete stranger in the US. I can’t wait to see the reaction when I let that person know. And in keeping with the spirit of Givesome, I’m going to send Jarod a picture of the person he helped. And if it’s ok with the individual I may see if I can include it in a future blog post this year.

Meet James. After meeting James for the first time and hearing a bit of his story of how he came from Northern England to Canada, I handed him a toonie and talked about what I was doing. I had just learned about James’ incredible journey and was inspired. After accepting the toonie and learning the purpose behind it he promised he’d be back in touch once he figured out what he was going to do with his coin. About a week later he sent me the attached photo and the idea he had come up with. His idea was to add his own toonie to mine and then give them both away. He wanted to see if the trend would keep going and asked the woman in the picture if she’d consider doing the same, which she said she would. If this continues and if I receive the photos I will continue to share them here. What a perfect illustration of how if everyone just gave a little, there would be incredible potential to care for a wealth of needs. It doesn’t take much.

Meet Sue. I’ve known Sue for over 30 years. Sue is a gifted strategic thinker, planner and inspirer. After a strategic planning session she ran for Adam and I about a week ago I gave her a toonie and invited her to be part of this. You could see the wheels spin and after some back and forth she’s decided to offer some funds for a handful of people that I meet over the course of this year. Like Jarod and James, she wants to turn this into an opportunity to multiply and give more substantially.
Three awesome initiatives from three awesome people.
Maybe something here will inspire your own small act. Or will remind you of a friends’ small act that once inspired you. If one comes to mind I’d love to hear about it. I’d love to share some simple stories of people who used what they had to offer hope and help to others around them.