Charity Organizations
Our co-conspirators in making the world a better place
What Charities Are Saying About Givesome
“In just a short period of time, Givesome has been an invaluable partner to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Guelph. Givesome has strengthened our charity’s connection between fundraising initiatives and service delivery, while giving us an opportunity to provide donors with a ‘live look inside’ to what we do, and how their gifts directly impact children in the community. The Givesome platform provides organizations with the opportunity to connect with new stakeholders, and the micro-donation concept and app interface appeals to younger groups – the next generation of community builders.”

“Givesome has provided Beautiful World with support for real-time projects. They are so easy to work with and caring. Thank you!”

"Givesome makes charitable giving easy and affordable for many people who might not otherwise consider it. "Every dollar counts" is a tough message to get out when we're dealing with huge issues like flooding or famine, but with Givesome we can highlight some of our smaller projects and show that a few dollars really can add up quickly and make a big impact"

“Givesome has given our charity the ability to easily garner donations from all over the world in a simple manner. Marketing our cause and asking for donations has never been easier, a solution easily scaled to reach out to 100’s of people within seconds.”

“It has been amazing to partner with such a forward thinking organization like Givesome. Little Warriors is a small charity, with big dreams. Givesome is providing us with a new platform to reach more donors and bring awareness to our cause of bringing prevention and treatment to child sexual abuse. Givesome donors have provided us with much needed supplies for the children as well as helped with Animal Therapy costs. We value our partnership with Givesome and would encourage others to consider learning more about this great organization.”

"The world is owned by people who cross bridges in their imaginations miles and miles in advance of the procession." This quote reflects the people at Givesome - always ahead of the curve, always leading the way. Givesome has raised funds for our hugely meaningful projects - two sewing machines and a teacher's desk, projects with tremendous impact in Libore, Niger. Givesome and it’s tremendous supporters have allowed us to dream big, one item at a time."