More of the same! I think it’s great that giving has now been given its own day and that we can come together as a global community to think about giving and the difference we can all make together. If this serves as a powerful reminder that giving is good, and feels good, and enables a whole bunch of good to happen then let this encourage and inspire you. The potential downside is that once the day is over, giving takes a more permanent back seat in our regular daily routines or thoughts.

Child scratching head with question mark on blackboard concept for confusion, brainstorming and choice
Instead, let’s use these days to get inspired and to get creative around how we can all take the same thinking and opportunity to make a difference into every day. For all of those who get SEE the difference they make when they give, the idea of giving as a lifestyle can actually become an exciting one. When we truly understand the power of a generous act or a generous gift we realize that one of the greatest beneficiaries…. is us! By turning #GivingTuesday into a more consistent way of life we not only make a difference, together, in the lives of others, we also improve our own lives and perspectives.
What #GivingTuesday should remind us is that giving is much more about addition than subtraction.
What can you offer to make a difference for someone today?